We’ll send you a free bag of our high-protein, low glycemic rice when you send us a photo or video of our rice with a short testimonial, or a homemade recipe using Cahokia rice!

If you have been a long-time fan of Cahokia Rice, or even if you’re new to our community, we want to hear from you! We’re putting out a call to all rice lovers to send us some photos or videos of you with our rice, and we’ll send you some free goodies as a thank you.

If you’re not shy, and you’d like a bag (or two) of Cahokia rice on us, read the instructions for submission below:

Submission Instructions:

  • Option 1: Send us a photo of our rice (either in your kitchen, in your grocery cart, or on the beach! Wherever you like, we’re not picky) and write a short testimonial about why you love Cahokia, and we’ll send you a discount code for a FREE bag of rice!
  • Option 2: Send us a 30 second video clip of you with our rice, talking about why you love Cahokia or how you incorporate it into your healthy lifestyle, and we will send you a discount code for TWO free bags of rice.
  • Option 3: Send us a 30 second (or longer) recipe video of you making a favorite dish using Cahokia rice, and we will send you a discount code for TWO free bags of rice and a Cahokia t-shirt!


When you send in your submission, feel free to also send us your Instagram handle if you would like to be tagged when we share your photo/video! Email all submissions to marketing@cahokiaricepartners.com and we will respond within a few business days with your free rice discount code.


Submit Here


*Submissions must follow guidelines listed above to qualify. Applicants may submit in each category only once (ie, a photo & testimonial, a testimonial video, or a recipe video each count as separate submission categories). By submitting content via this process, applicants consent to Cahokia Rice using the supplied content in brand marketing and social media.

*Discount codes will be sent within 7 business days after submission is received by the Cahokia Rice team, and customers will be able to select their choice of a 32oz bag of free rice on our website, along with free shipping. Discounted price will be reflected at checkout.