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Feast Magazine - Cahokia Rice is a key provider of nutritious rice for the Midwest - including the Cincinnati Bengals

In Health

Two hours south of St. Louis in McClure, Illinois, a 1,500-acre farm, Cahokia Rice, started producing and marketing the eponymous grain for the Midwest in 2018. The rice is a blend of a high-protein grain and Cypress grain, which is safer for diabetics and has a distinct nutty flavor with a fluffy texture.

Co-owner and farmer Blake Gerard has been developing the art of sustainable rice production since the 1990s. He works alongside his business partners Robert Butcher and Jim Crane, as well as sales manager Jason Holman.

“Our mission is to bring a healthier rice to the world, and that presents a number of additional benefits, opening a door that was previously closed on a staple food item,” Holman says. Read the rest of the article at Feast Magazine! (click here)

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